Next.js SAAS
Auth and Subscriptions Starter Template for Next.js Apps
A free and open-source template for supercharging your project

What's included
🚀 Get Started in Minutes
Kickstart your next project and focus on building your application instead of configuring tools.
🔓 Secure Authentication
Comes with seamless Reflow integration for user accounts and social sign in. No coding required!
💳 Flexible Subscriptions
Connect your Reflow PRO account and start selling in no time! Supports flexible pricing plans, free trials, and more. Payments by Stripe or Paddle.
👩💻 Great for Developers
A modern tech stack that makes development a breeze! Comes with TypeScript, Prisma and Tailwind configured and ready to go.
⚡ Amazing Performance
Built with Next.js 14 for top-notch performance and great SEO results. Deploy anywhere with confidence and deliver a smooth user experience.
✨ Open Source
Fully customizable and open-source under the MIT license. Grab the code on GitHub and modify or extend the functionality as needed!
Get Started
Check out the features in action
User Authentication
This starter kit uses Reflow for handling user auth. It supports standard email + password accounts, as well social media sign in using Google, Facebook and Apple among others.
Try signing in using the button below:
Subscriptions are provided by Reflow, which takes care of recurring billing, subscription management and handling webhooks. You can choose between Stripe and Paddle as your payment provider.
Visit the pricing page and try subscribing (it's free):
Database Integration
Connect to your database using Prisma. It supports all major DB types and offers an unmatched developer experience with easy migrations and an excellent ORM.
Check out an example integration in the database demo: